Sustainability in 2021 and beyond
I cannot dramatically use my dip pen from the 19th century and write on a piece of paper but rather here I am typing this blog on my laptop after almost a decade. I came to a self realization or actualization and a flashback of my timeline of the past decade, it made me think of the obsoleteness of certain things we've witnessed in the past. What happens to the waste that's generated as we advance more, is conservationism directly proportional to living on bread crumbs so that the future generation can get the bread too?
The answer lies in the underlying daily habits that we possess and it's effect on the environment, health and the economy. Sustainability is thus as the name suggests, the ability to sustain by keeping the future generation's consumption in mind. It's a form of un-selfish behavior where we consume to uphold and maintain resources. For example think of all the trash we create on an everyday basis for a grocery run; all the plastic packaging, the paper stickers, receipt papers, carry bags may or may not be biodegradable. If these are to be replaced by non paper transactions, gunny or cloth bags which are reusable, buying local to reduce the carbon footprint caused due to transportation of these goods we may be able to create what we call here sustainability on all of the fronts. Firstly you contribute socially by buying local goods, secondly by avoiding use of plastic you save the environment and third the costs of recycling and transportation costs.
Now to think of it on a larger scale, say fossil fuel consumption, petroleum products or Electric Vehicle Fuel Cells.